It has been a long time since I’ve posted anything but alot has gone on in my life this year. I was transitioned out of my full time job, after 33 and a half years of dedicated service, at the end of January. I took a 3 month semi-retirement after my termination date. During that time I stayed busy by remodeling my daughters kitchen. I removed all of her old builder grade cabinets and built 12 new cabinets for her. It was really a blessing that I had this project to do during this time. I really enjoyed spending the day in my shop doing woodwork. It was awesome. Her cabinets came out so well that I was commissioned to build more cabinets for a neighbors guest house. I was busy again which helped pass the time. During the time I was working on the last set of cabinets I was hired by my current employer. In that period of 3 months, I went from being a 33 year tenured employee to being unemployed, a kitchen remodeler and builder to starting a new job. I really haven’t had alot of time to build guitars which I truly love to do. I finally have got back into luthiery and here is the progress of my teles.
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